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Minutes 9-27-11
Holland Conservation Commission

Minutes of Commission meeting held September 27, 2011

Present: Nathan Gumlaw, Chairperson, Marcia Beal, Maryanne Martone, Mary Lovett
Absent: James Wettlaufer and Patricia Caron

7:00  Chairperson called the meeting to order.  The minutes of the September 13th meeting were read and accepted.  

Old Business:

New Business:

A letter was received from George Hammond, attorney representing Allan Burrill at 26 Stoney Hill Drive concerning a lien on the property was read.  It was decided that this was already taken care of.

A letter received from the DEP about the property at 55 Union Street in Holland that was directed to the Board of Health.  After inspection of the property, violations of the Massachusetts Solid Waste Statute M.G.L.C. III, S 150 A were noted.   We are checking with Mr. Wettlaufer to see if this is under our jurisdiction.
7:30 PM  George Carling – Lot #10 Vinton Road requested a negative determination.
Maryanne Martone made the motion to approve and it was seconded by Nate Gumlaw.

8:00 PM  Lyn Daily file No. WE 184-0265. Wishes to replace a septic tank that is 20 feet from the lake and the well.  A NOI continuance is set for October 11, 2011 after an inspection of the property and viewing of the road that will be dug up as part of this project.

Mark Farrell submitted 3 more septics projects at this time for Rourke, Germaine, and Lapierre to be reviewed at the October 11th meeting.

8:30 PM   Charles Henchey of 30 Stoney Hill Road, Lot R35/C/12, Book 12002, Page 496 wishes to address shoreline erosion by building a retaining wall.  Needs to submit a NOI.  

8:50 PM  Thomas Sargent of 25 Hamilton Drive, R41/B/63, Book 16978, Page 442 wants to repair and replace a 54 foot wall along the waterfront of his property.  Will continue until NOI is submitted.  

                                                                                 Respectfully submitted by

                                                                                 Marcia Beal, acting Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.